That's under 200$ if you wait for a sale. For under 500$ you'll get all the assets you need to build a small RPG. + If you really don't want to deal with much scripting, you can use ready templates from asset store. And anything you can think of, you can google to find tons of sample code for it. Learning them will make it easier to join game jams or find work. Game Engines like Unity or Unreal don't just come with interface, but with built in support with all major platforms, Asset store-s full of useful time saving assets, free integrations with most major services. Specialized for 2D platformers, and optimized for mobile. Backbone Game Engine is an elementary HTML5 Canvas game engine built on Backbone. But It's like starting your game development journey by shooting yourself in the foot. Qiciengine is a free JavaScript game engine library with a web-based comprehensive suite of toolset for making HTML5 games. In this article, we are going to expose, in our opinion, the best Javascript Game Engines for Web Games Development. I understand the reluctance to learn new language or work with visual scripting.